March 24, 2015.. Our schedule today was: pick up all of my appointments paperwork (called packet pickup) at 10am. We then went to the blood draw area where I donated about 11 vials of blood and delivered my 24 hour urine samples. We then met with a Physician's Assistant for him to make sure I was ok to have the sedated bone marrow biopsy procurement procedure. After that appointment, we went to the outpatient surgery area for the bone marrow procurement. That procedure went very well. I hope I never have to go back to the way I was getting it done before I began having the procedure via sedation. It was a very painful procedure before, and now I am asleep while it all is being done. I had 5 or 6 the old way. It takes more preparation now but it is worth it. After I finished up in recovery, we were able to leave. I was ready to eat and drink some water since I had not had anything since midnight last night.
Tomorrow, I have a PET scan at 9am and a MRI at 1pm. I had to restrict what I had to eat tonight due to having the PET scan. That was harder since I was really hungry since I had not had anything to eat since yesterday evening.
Things went very smoothly today and hope they will tomorrow also.
Dang I bet you could eat a cow by the time you're done!!!🐮