I have quite a few things to report today. I am sorry I'm a little bit late getting this posted. I have had lots of things going on such as getting IVs and nurses coming in.
My white count today was about what it was yesterday it was 0.89. I did get a neupogen shot last night and I don't know whether that brought it up any or not I will also get another one tonight.
Diane, the APN for dr. Van Rhee that we like so much, came by today. We were glad to find out that dr. Van Rhee will return next Wednesday. She thought I might be in the hospital for as long as two weeks more. She said that he would probably want me to go home and come back in about 3 weeks. She did mention the likelihood of a smaller stem cell transplant. We both felt better after talking with her knowing that we do have options as far as treatment even though they may be not conventional and somewhat hard to do. One of the treatments mentioned that they have had success with on difficult patients was using an HIV drug along with the treatment kyprolis that I was on for two and a half years.
I was not nauseated today but I just didn't feel good all day. I know that is because of the chemo and I just have to get through it to get back to feeling better.
Thanks Jerry for posting your updates it help all of us back here to know what's going on. Prayers & love to both