Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My platelets were up to 68 today but my white count came down to 5.91 and my hemoglobin was down to 8.5. I don't know any additional information about being released tomorrow. I will be released unless something unforeseen shows up. I may have to get another unit of blood in the morning if my hemoglobin drops below 8.5. I will also have to get the CVL line removed. I will do all of that before my doctor's appointment at noon.
In the past week or so I've lost 24 pounds. That was from fluid I gained while being on the steroids. I have very little appetite now but I don't think that is contributing to the weight loss.
The only virus that showed up where the current status is not known is the CMV. The nurse retested that today. The Provo virus is not active now. Something continues to make me feel yucky. I hope that feeling goes away soon especially before we start the drive home. I do plan to break the drive up into 2 days. We normally do it in one day.


  1. So glad you will be heading towards home tomorrow. Praying all will go well tomorrow & your release goes well. We know you both must be ready to sleep in your own bed again!!! Love to you both!! Traveling prayers sent up for y'all!!!

  2. Glad to read that your platelets continued to increase. I hope your meeting with your doctor goes well tomorrow, and you two can begin organizing to leave.
